
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Mame32 Classic Arcade With 1400 Working Games Full Free Download

Mame32 Classic Arcade With 1400 Working Games Full Free Download

Mame32 is an emulator. Simply put, it enables a standard PC to mimic the internal hardware of a large number of stand alone arcade machines from 1978 to 2000. When you play a game with the emulator, you're not playing a recreation of the original arcade hit, when you play the games with the emulator You're running the exact same software that was written for a Z80 microprocessor almost twenty years ago. Combined with the original software from these arcade machines, the emulator will display and play the games on a PC in its original state. The software thinks it's still running on its original box. Mame32 is short for, the M.ultiple A.rcade M.achine E.mulator for the windows 32 bit format. Over 2000 games are available for this program. The more popular mame32 roms and several versions of the emulator from old to new can both be downloaded from below.

Screen Shots

System Requirements:

Any computer with a Pentium 2 processor or better with 128 megabits of ram along with a 2d video card that meets the roms system requirements which is minimal by today's pc standards in 2013. This arcade emulator runs on Microsoft Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP and Windows XP Pro. Ensure the latest version of DirectX is installed before proceeding to to the Mame32 rom download area. NT4 users will need SP4 or greater.


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